What an Ear, Nose, and Throat Specialist Can Treat and What They Can’t

An ear, nose, and throat (ENT) specialist focuses on treating disorders connected to these critical areas of the body. Visiting an ENT clinic in Singapore helps individuals manage conditions that affect hearing, balance, breathing, and even voice quality. While the capabilities of an ear, nose, and throat specialist are extensive, understanding what conditions they treat and those that fall outside their expertise is essential for proper medical care.

Common Conditions ENT Specialists Treat

ENT specialists address a wide array of conditions, primarily focusing on issues related to the ear, nose, throat, head, and neck.

Ear Conditions

A specialist treats hearing loss, ear infections, tinnitus (ringing in the ears), and balance disorders such as vertigo. Conditions involving the eardrum or the inner ear, like Meniere’s disease, fall under their expertise. Surgical procedures, such as inserting ear tubes or treating congenital ear deformities, also come under their care.

Nasal Disorders

Nasal issues, including chronic sinusitis, nasal obstruction, and allergies, are common concerns that an ENT doctor at Mount Elizabeth can handle. Specialists are skilled in diagnosing and treating problems like deviated septum, nasal polyps, and rhinitis. They also offer relief from nasal blockages or breathing difficulties that significantly impact daily life.

Throat Issues

Conditions affecting the throat, such as tonsillitis, laryngitis, and voice disorders, are frequently treated at an ENT clinic in Singapore. Specialists help with swallowing difficulties (dysphagia), persistent sore throats, and speech issues. Procedures to remove tonsils or repair vocal cords, when necessary, are common treatments offered.

Head and Neck

Beyond the ear, nose, and throat, ENT specialists handle some head and neck conditions, including thyroid disorders and certain tumours. They can treat benign neck masses, salivary gland disorders, and cancers of the throat, larynx, and mouth. Surgical interventions might be required in advanced cases, offering a chance for recovery.

What ENT Specialists Don’t Treat

While ENT specialists manage various health concerns, their scope does not cover all areas, and some conditions must be referred to other medical professionals.

General Neurological Disorders

Conditions like migraines, epilepsy, or general brain-related disorders are beyond the expertise of an ear, nose, and throat specialist. While balance problems may sometimes be linked to inner ear issues, neurological disorders need a neurologist for accurate diagnosis and treatment.

Lung and Cardiovascular Issues

Conditions directly affecting the lungs or heart do not fall under ENT care. Although some breathing problems might arise from nasal or throat disorders, issues linked to lung function or heart problems require the expertise of pulmonologists or cardiologists.

Systemic Diseases

Diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, or autoimmune disorders need attention from general practitioners or specialists in internal medicine. While an ENT specialist can manage localised symptoms of these diseases, they do not treat the root cause of systemic conditions.

ALSO READ: Different ENT Clinic Services Provided in Singapore

Mental Health Disorders

Depression, anxiety, and other mental health conditions are outside the range of treatments offered by ENT specialists. These require psychiatrists or mental health professionals to ensure comprehensive care.

Why Consult an ENT Specialist?

Consulting an ENT specialist becomes necessary when individuals experience symptoms related to their ear, nose, or throat that do not respond to general treatment. People may notice persistent symptoms such as difficulty hearing, breathing issues, or chronic throat pain. Visiting an ENT doctor at Mount Elizabeth provides access to state-of-the-art diagnostic tools and treatments, addressing these symptoms effectively.

An ENT specialist can offer expert advice and manage chronic conditions, such as sinusitis or hearing loss, and acute problems, such as infections. They also collaborate with other specialists when conditions require a multi-disciplinary approach.


Knowing what an ENT clinic in Singapore can treat helps people make informed decisions regarding their health. ENT specialists manage ear, nose, throat, head, and neck-related conditions effectively, while neurological, cardiovascular, systemic, and mental health issues remain outside their scope. For those in need of ear, nose, and throat treatments, consulting an ear, nose, and throat specialist provides targeted and expert care.

Contact Dr Denis Chua today for experienced ear nose throat specialist care in Singapore.