What Exactly Is Bedtime Procrastination, And Why Shouldn’t You Do It? 

Have you ever had a busy day with no time to relax? We might need more time for leisure activities. Once you come home, you might suddenly have the urge to stay up late and relax. Doing so is entirely normal if it happens sometimes. Once it becomes a habit, it should be worked upon. It becomes an inevitable cycle of staying up late and waking up late. 

Yes, we are talking about bedtime procrastination; let’s learn more about it. 

What Exactly Is It? 

Bedtime procrastination is a psychological behaviour when we consciously sacrifice sleep and do leisurely activities that we can’t do due to busy schedules. For example, if you love reading but don’t get any time to read during the day due to your classes or work hours, you may stay up late to read your favourite book. 

What is the way to enjoy doing what you love by sacrificing sleep? It indeed results in insufficient sleep and its consequences. It may be tempting to offer your rest to binge-watch a show or play games, but it can have severe consequences in the long run. 

What Are Its Consequences?

Since you know about it, you can identify if you indulge in revenge bedtime procrastination. It is essential to understand the consequences of doing so daily. 

Sleeping late will show up in some way when you wake up. If your total sleep time is compromised significantly, you may wake up grumpy, tired or unmotivated to do anything. If you have to wake up early, you may not feel like waking up. You may also avoid essential tasks such as doing homework, household chores, etc. 

If you have a habit of watching TV or sticking to the screens as revenge bedtime procrastination, you are burdening your eyes and depriving yourself of quality sleep. It weakens self-control and has a devastating effect on how our mind works. 

How To Stop Doing It?

Once you know you do bedtime procrastination, it’s time to stop doing so and work on a healthy schedule. We recommend identifying what you miss doing during the day and making time for it. Once you have a fixed sleep schedule, it is essential to follow it. Please do not sacrifice your sleep until it’s an emergency. If you can do all the activities you love during the day, if you make the time for it!