The following are the stages of the writing process:
- Pre-writing
- Drafting
- Revising
- Revision and Publication
- Pre-writing
To determine what the issue is. To be aware of the reason for writing or the primary emphasis of writing. Create, gather, and arrange the facts and ideas you’ve gathered.
- Drafting is the second step of the writing process after brainstorming and outlining.
- It entails translating your planned ideas into the first draught of your story or essay, which you may read more about here.
- During the time before writing proper, these concepts for outlines are generated.
- It requires coming up with new concepts.
- Outlining the information and doing general organisation on it.
- Make some adjustments to what you’ve written.
- Put your attention on the ideas and material.
- Add or remove information.
- Change meaning.
- Concentrate on the Organisation
- Words, phrases, and paragraphs should be moved about.
- Put your focus on style.
- Alter the wording so that it reads more smoothly.
- Checking for errors in the use of mechanics.
- Finding errors in punctuation, grammar, and use, as well as word choice and usage.
- Whenever it’s practicable, replacing or deleting errors is being done.
Now that you have accomplished your goal of being ready to write, it is time for you to start writing for the very first time.
Kindly keep in mind the total number of points that we have earned in each category.
In your writing, give it your best effort.
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